The GPS Maps site has downloadable maps for Garmin mapping GPS units. Tracks4Australia has installable map tiles for all of Australia. For example, the New Zealand Open GPS Project is creating road maps for the entire country as a complete set with an installer that puts them automatically into MapSource. Coverage is hit-and-miss, but for some countries it’s very good. cgpsMapper MapCenter ( and MapCenter2): Maps from around the world, browsable by country and type. Yunnan Explorer has some topographic maps for areas of Yunnan Province in China. GPS Vector Map Morocco has Garmin maps for Morocco and Western Sahara.
OpenStreetMap wiki: Files for Germany/Netherlands and the entire world (read the caution for the latter, though it might crash MapSource if you install it there).img files for the UK, South Africa, and Africa img files, as well as some data in executable files that install it automatically in MapSource without the need for MapSet Toolkit: If you want to try out the process on some free. As mentioned in the previous post, you can use MapSet Toolkit to add any.