Seasons have been reduced from 12 months to 6 months.We initially plan for this season to last one year, but we may adjust the end date based on player feedback. The Season will roll on Januwhen Patch 1.35.0 goes live.Added rich/color formatted text support to custom campaign menus.Added user presence for Custom Campaigns.Updated default campaign backgrounds to reforged style.Added Friends presence support for Custom Campaigns.This is file format dependent, a VP9 encoded AVI file, with an MP3 for audio in Warcraft III/Movies/Audio.

Added support for custom movies in Warcraft III/Movies.Custom campaign list menu now auto-refreshes upon resuming game window focus.For legacy custom campaigns that previously used 3D backgrounds, a WebM can be used to replace that background in the WebUI. Added WebM support for campaign backgrounds.Added ambient sound support to Reforged.Added campaign thumbnail preview support to Reforged.Added “Is Cinematic” option to the campaign editor to change campaign buttons to use the camera thumbnail instead of difficulty progression.Added informational prompt to show users where to install campaign files to.“Load saved game” menu can now reload custom campaign save files.Custom campaigns now track the difficulty a mission was completed on.Campaigns are now located under the “Single Player” menu. Some Custom Campaigns can be played using either Reforged or Classic art.Players can now download Custom Campaigns to play or create their own.